Reisavontuur: Chang-Bang in Chauri Kharka

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Aanvang:19 Mei 2003
Einde:21 Mei 2003

rriving in the village of Chauri Kharka I found a nice lodge, called the buddha lodge, a super nice and little place to stay next to the big Gompa with an enormous prayerwheel inside. My room had large windows at 3 sides and my bed was at the same height as the windows.
What I saw from my bed
I made this pic from my bed lying on my back, imagine waking up with this

lying down on my back I saw every amazinly high snowcapped mountain there was to see from here. In the evening there was a big party in the village with all the women (the men work elsewhere, remember!) drinking Chang (local brewed millet beer). They kept on offering me this stuff and my porter was already drunk and had fallen asleep. After a few pitchers of this stuff I felt dazed and confused and even started to dance,I pronounced the party as " the big Chauri Kharka Chang-Bang" and painted a sign for it. After a great night wit lots of fun and meeting weird people I fell asleep very happy and woke up the next day at 5.00 for the climb up to Namche Bazaar. I really looked forward to it, because I wanted to use Namche as my resting place. Get better here, get rid of the sinus infection and meet up with the people I met on my way up to here (they start dropping into Namche as I write this right now) Here in Namche I will plan the rest of my tour, probably going to Kalapatar and the everest Basecamp first (a few days from here) Further it is really nice here in Namche. Since it has been exactly 50 years that the everest had been summitted, it is full of festivities a lot of them are rumours (like a rock concert in basecamp on the 29th) but for sure is that most of the great mountaineers still alive are in the region here right now. Gives a very weird feeling when you have read all of the everst books like I did. People like Messner, Kammelander they are al here right now, maybe in one of the few lodges I stay in. i'll keep you al updated and now I rest, wash and enjoy my holiday in between the mountaineers where I feel really fine.

Big hug to every one from a very happy Boesje !

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