Reisavontuur: Orphanage D-Day: Monsoon madness

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Aanvang:29 Juni 2003
Einde:29 Juni 2003

he wants to be photographer
or is just intrested in the camera :-)

The last few weeks have been really hectic concerning the Orphanage Project which we accidentally started after a few beers. we had to make lists , visit the orphanages to check what they needed, raise the money, check on prices, buy all the goods (one of the most funny parts) and as final moment had to deliver it to the childrens homes. Our coregroup exsisted of several people: Kerry, Odel (israel) Jerry, cameron (canada) adam (england) booz and yoko (holland) and we were all happilly assisted by other travellers who had some time joining us for a few days. Since the beginning we started to have meetings in the pumpernickel bakery and discuss about things to do and stuff to buy and throughout the whole period this hasnt been changing. in between the "doing-things" we, of course, had lots of fun, the nights out after a long day mostly started in Tom & Jerry's pub and ended ritual in The Fireclub; dancing and jumping around like idiots. At some nights it was so bad that in the morning some of us were so drunk that they couldnt stay seated in a rikshaw, someone even shitted not only his pants, but also the whole hotel-hallway, the walls of the room and afterwards coaccidentally dragged another person through because this guy fell asleep in the staircase (I can't tell names, i will be executed :-) So as you read it was not only hard work, we really had a nice group, talked loads of bullshit but also were eager to finish the project in the right way. We called the project Monsoon Madness, because it really was madness to arrange everything and because of the monsoon finally started in a right way, bringing huge rainshowers into Kathmandu. On the 1st of july everybody, except me, was supposed to do a overland-trek in a landrover to Tibet (1st july was the date the border opened again) I tried changing my tickets to jkoin them, but this wasnt possible. I had to buy a new ticket and would have needed a visaextension, and that was way too expensive for me. Thing was that we really needed to hurry last week because they all left pretty soon. Things really started to work out then, action in kathmandu ! I already informed you about the days we were buying things but I scanned the distributionlists I made, so you can see yourself what we have been doing overhere. The buying days were really nice but also very tiring, you have to bargain about everything (we bought all the stuff in local markets) and no one had the amounts of things we needed. Imagine 2 tall blond dutch guys wandering over the Kathmandu Chinese Bazar to get 85 pieces of girls and boys underwear ! People laughed their asses off. Hotel Puskar in Thamel (one of the cheapest in town and the best quality/price rate) was so kind to give us a room to store all the stuff. Once we got everything we picked a day and that day will go into the history books as our personal D-Day: 29th of june 2003 At 8.00 in the morning we had breakfast with selfmade israelian cheese at Hotel Puskar and divided the tasks for that day. We still had some stuff to buy, we had to arrange vans for transport distributionlists had to be made and we came up with the idea to give every child a bag with presents in it. when all of this would be ready we had to go to Sujan & Usha, the 2 socialworkers. They invited us to have a nice selfmade nepali/indian lunch. Though our timeschedule was tight we managed to go there and had a wonderful great lunch, afterwards we really had to hurry to get on moving. The women presented us some silk katas, which really gave me a warm feeling (tibetian tradition; when someone leaves you liked or wanna wish all the best)
our suppliesroom preparing for making the kidssets
We got a room from Hotel Puskar for free to store all the stuff we bought, one of the cheapest hotels of Kathmandu and it is in the middle of the Thamel District (doublerooms, balcony, bathroom for 150rs)

sorting toys on d-day

and after the usual photoshootings we left back to hotel puskar, overthere Jerry already arranged 4 mini-vans and we all started to bring the stuff down into the little alley, hotel puskar is situated in one of the busiest streets of Thamel so our 4 minivans caused a trafficjam for about one hour since nearly every street is a one-way street :-) after we had stuffed the buses we left for the 1st orophanage at 5 o'clock ...tobecontinuedthe spacebar doesnt workon this computer
  "Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off." Terug